Wednesday, April 8, 2020

That whole nest thing?


I haven't been here in a while. I'm sorry about it. I love to write. Lots of keyboard time in my work. I'm home. Nest4One. It's trying to be spring. A straggling, bedraggled spring full of fear and isolation. #alonetogether. #COVID19 

So, nests, according to Webster's Dictionary are:
  • a bed or receptacle prepared by an animal and especially a bird for its eggs and young
  • a place or specially modified structure serving as an abode of animals and especially of their immature stages <an ants' nest>
  • a receptacle resembling a bird's nest
  • a place of rest, retreat, or lodging :  home <grown children who have left the nest>
  • den, hangout
  • a group of objects made to fit close together or one within another
A place of refuge? Isolation. Celebration. The new normal. 

Empty Nest, Nest4One. I got reminded yesterday that I am diligently looking after things I may not need; likely don't need. Perhaps I don't really want. Things which have to be tended and cared for. It scares me to let things fall apart and waste away. It makes me feel out of control. This week, I know I am not alone. 

A good friend, his Dad passed away. He and his brother are spending the next few days boxing up everything he'd saved and tended (or not) and putting it in storage until they can find time to go through it and see if there is anything of value. Value. It's a word like nest. Value to whom? Nest to what end? Storage Wars? A treasure hunt? 

What would happen to all this stuff if I were not here tomorrow to look after it? Would anyone know what to do with it? Would it have value to anyone but me? It's why I can't bear to go to Estate Sales. They lay out the precious memories of some lovely little old person at $1 or $2 - a series of ascending price tags - in white or yellow or red, without insight or sorrow or memory. Important things at some point in time; to someone. 

And what would I do with it? I'd bring it home so that my children, hopefully years and years from now, can try to decide if it has value or if it was important to me?  

So nests. Home and Homeless. Empty nest. A hangout. A group of objects, one within another. A bird's nest. A receptacle resembling a bird's nest. 

A receptacle. An opportunity. A blessing. So much to give.